Professor Philippe Massin
Orthopedic surgeon - Neuilly-sur-Seine
Professor Philippe Massin
Orthopedic surgeon - Neuilly-sur-Seine

University Professor
Former Intern Hospitals of Paris
Former clinical associate professor-assistant of the Hospitals of Paris
Former Head of Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of hospitals Bichat/Beaujon 
Member of the National French Academy of Surgery



Consultation process :

 The consultation lasts between 20 and 30 minutes
(or more if necessary) 

Written questionnaire that the patient can answer to clarify his symptoms and help quantify the extent of the disability

Interrogation to clarify the patient's symptoms and expectations followed by clinical examination (mobilization of the joint, identification of painful points, study of walking)

Reading X-rays

Diagnosis and discussion of therapeutic options

Information on functional benefits and risks of treatment

Therapeutic modalities in case of complications

Modalities of re-education (length of hospitalization, duration, place)

Modalities of follow-up until healing


Monday 8h - 19h
Tuesday 8h - 12h30
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 14h - 19h
Saturday 8h - 12h30
Sunday Closed

The consultation lasts between 20 and 30 minutes

(or more if necessary)

Or call :

01 71 00 60 21

06 34 13 29 14


First-line consultation Fees: 130 euros
Follow-up consultation Fees: 90 euros

Primary total hip, knee or ankle prosthesis
Fees - including anesthesiologist's fees : 3000 euros (2000 euros surgical team and 1000 euros anesthesiologist)

Revision with total hip, knee or ankle prosthesis change
Fees - including anesthesiologist's fees: 4500 euros (3000 euros surgical team and 1500 euros anesthesiologist)

Any additional interventions that may be necessary in the event of complications (scar excision, hematoma evacuation, etc.) are included in the initial fee.

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